Become our Facebook Fan!

February 20, 2009

Check out our newly created Facebook page and show your support.  Be a part of our community, share photos,  and check out other fans.  You’ll get latest updates on new products and promotions.  See you there!


Kid Cudi Got Tazed Bro

February 17, 2009

kid-cudi-sunglassesKid Cudi was involved in an altercation this past NBA All-Star weekend which subsequently led to him being tasered by police.  Apparently, things were escalated in an argument with some Reebok associates.  Some reports suggested the incident was initiated when Cudi refused to wear Reeboks in favor of some Air Jordans.  Or you can hear his side of the story here.

Happy Ox Year

January 26, 2009


If you happen to follow the lunar calendar, Happy New Years!   2009 marks the Year of the Ox.  What does this exactly mean, well let me tell you.

People born in the Year of the Ox are patient, speak little, and inspire confidence in others.  They tend, however, to be eccentric, and bigoted, and they anger easily.  They have fierce tempers and although they speak little, when they do they are quite eloquent.  Ox people are mentally and physically alert.  Generally easy-going, they can be remarkably stubborn, and they hate to fail or be opposed.  They are most compatible with Snake, Rooster, and Rat people.

So all you Ox’s watch that fierce temper and good luck for the new year.